Hands on Womb & Pelvic Bodywork to Hold, Realign,
and Call a Woman’s Body HOME

A ceremonial realignment & homecoming of our female physiology


A full body approach to realign a Woman at a physiological and energetic level. Working in layers - superficially and weaving in deeper as the body invites & welcomes us to travel. Each session is deeply attuned to the story and voice of the body.

 Ceremonial Womb Care is in service to the Entire Womb Continuum

  • Painful Menstruation 

  • Stagnant, clotted, non vital Menstruation 

  • Postpartum Support 

  • Preconception Support 

  • Hysterectomy Healing & Support 

  • Miscarriage Support 

  • Abortion Support 

  • Painful Intercourse

  • Global Pelvic Tension 

  • Endometriosis/Adenomyosis 

  • Uterine/Ovarian/Cervical Fibroids, Cysts, Polyps 

  • Unaligned Uterine Position 

  • Abdominal/Digestive/Organ Inflammation 

  • Irregular Cycles 

  • Fertility Challenges

& so much more.

If you have any questions about whether a Ceremonial Womb Tending Session is for you, feel free to email Jasmine Rose at connect@humblewildwellness.com.

Jasmine Rose’s methods bridge science and spirit, allowing each session to be wholly, sacred, and tending to the deepest layers of your entire body.

How Ceremonial Womb Care is informed

Ceremonial Womb Care is informed by years of education, experience, and Devotional Womb Arts that are lived, embodied, studied and now, offered as this deeply intentional Woman’s Care & Bodywork, supporting a Woman fully and wholly

  • Womb Continuum Education

  • Anatomy and Physiology

  • Holistic Nutrition

  • Trauma Resolution

  • Birth Attending, Pregnancy & Postpartum Care

  • Conscious Conception & Holistic Fertility

  • Conscious Connected Breathwork

  • Tantric Priestess Arts & Blood Mysteries

  • Hands on Pelvic Bodywork

Jasmine Rose has a robust educational background & has studied with exceptional Women in her field.

A few notable mentions are:

  • Carly Rae + Andrea Terrones - Ma School Womb Continuum Practitioner Training

  • Rachael Maddox - ReBloom Trauma Resolution Practitioner Training

  • Leyolah Antara - Tantric Rose Priestess Certification

  • Jessica Austin and Gloria Lemay - Wise Woman Way of Birth

  • Canadian School of Natural Nutrition: Holistic Nutrition Diploma

As Well as Thousands of Hours & Many Years of Self Study - after all, when it comes down to it, we are students of our own Womanhood.


Jasmine Rose is a Womb Guardian, initiating sacred rites of passage of our Blood, Bodies, Birth/Death and Womanhood.

She offers herself as a bridge between science and spirit, knowledge and wisdom, clarity and mystery - and holds the flame, illuminating the spiral path as women walk between worlds.

Jasmine Rose holds the torch of love as women make their way into the descent of their own Wombs and access the medicine needed to remember their innate wholeness.

To have her as your guide, is to be loved through to the other side

.“…this tending immediately melted my pelvic tension, transformed my postpartum belly, and brought so much beautiful mobility and vitality back into my pelvis!

I came to Jasmine’s womb tending ceremony after trying months of various other bodywork to support my prolapse and pelvic pain postpartum with little results, but Jasmine called my womb back into perfect alignment in a single session. Our ceremony brought an overwhelming softness to my womb and heart like I have truly never experienced before. Jasmine’s hands are ancient, her medicine is bone deep, and being nurtured by her is the deepest gift.

— Gemma

Ceremonial Womb Care is not a fast food experience.

These sessions are gourmet - fortifying your physiology & satiating you down to your roots.

Each session is intentionally curated to follow the map and story being told by your body,
making every session unique based on the current expression of the body in the moment.

*** please note that multiple sessions are most recommended to support a Woman’s body***

After your first session, you will be able to purchase session packages & day retreat options.

Ceremonial Womb Care Sessions are offered in Kimberley, British Columbia, Canada
nestled in the heart of the Kootenays.

Initial Ceremonial Womb Care Session

 2 Hours: $250 CAD

We will take time to go over your health history form, providing education & literacy around current health concerns

Hands on Session, tailored to your current bodies expression & needs

You will receive practices & ways to tend to your bodies continued vitality beyond our session

Aftercare support will sent to you via email.

Subsequent Ceremonial Womb Care Sessions

90 Minutes: $200 CAD || 120 Minutes: $250 CAD

Hands on Session, tailored to your current bodies expression & needs

You will receive of practices & ways to tend to you own body to support your bodies continued holding beyond our session

Aftercare support will sent to you via email.


“…in receiving from Jasmine the Ceremonial Womb Care that she holds palpably in her hands, I experienced a whole and holy expansion of the curvature of my body.

Places that I have been stuck in patterns of holding, moving, unmoving and masking were suddenly speaking aloud in my ears. Through the waves of masterful touch that she so gently yet assuredly applied, her way of working WITH all of that called forth the unspoken language of my skin, fascia, flesh and bone beneath. I feel like the knit of my being was met with deepest reverence and a kind of sight that truly left me breathing more fully my Self and my Heart.”

— Cassia

Private Full Day:


6 hour day session with Jasmine

This is a beautiful option for those that are seeking deep ceremonial and physiological support for their bodies and/or those that are travelling for Ceremonial Womb Care

These Day Sessions will be deeply tailored to each woman’s needs and may weave in aspects of:
Vulva Steaming, Singing, Storytelling, Movement, Ceremony & Bodywork

6 Hours - 9am-3pm MST : $888 CAD

How your private experience will unfold…

We will open the space with great intention to your body & beings needs

Morning & Afternoon: 2-2.5 hour Ceremonial Womb Carewhich may include storytelling, vulva steaming, movement, bone holding, & bodywork.

You will be nourished with herbal infusions and an ancestral/womb based meal in between the morning and afternoon sessions 


Care package to take home with you including an aftercare guide, herbs, infused castor oil, and other beauty-way gifts to tend to you beyond our time together.

You will be guided through ways to continue these practices on your own & tend to your body in her new expression with great intention.

“…twice I have been blessed to receive Ceremonial Womb Care with Jasmine both exquisite experiences.

Both sessions though unique in their scope found me profoundly sourcing myself from my powerful centre. Jasmine's bright heart, skillful hands and intuitive wisdom have been a boon to my body and a balm to my soul.

— Dee

Ceremonial Womb Care Mentorship

Blend of Online Mentorship AND In Person Womb Tending

This is a beautiful option for a Woman who is craving high touch care for her body and being, with a blend of Online Sessions, In Person Sessions, and Voicenote Support in between.

3 Moons with 3x 60 Minute Online Sessions per Moon (Month) 

Option of 1x 120 Minute Ceremonial Womb Sessions per Month OR 1x Private In Person Full Day (see description above) during our 3 Moon Mentorship Time

3 Moon Cycles - $3000 CAD


To the Woman that feels the ache to receive this deep tending but is feeling hesitant to say yes - I SEE YOU.

Our Maternal lines have been severed from Woman to Woman care for generations.
But, in this lifetime, we are remembering the wisdom of our bodies, blood, breasts, and Womanhood again.

What would it be like to receive this flesh and bone deep holding, beloved?
To water the wellspring of your Womb again?
To feel the sensational aliveness and alignment of your Womanhood.